Engine, mechanical and electrical systems have been substituted for the default fsX systems; featuring wear, failures and dynamic ambient influences
At Dodosim we don't just create a sequence of buttons to push. Our systems respond to ambient influences and aircraft conditions requiring procedures to change. The systems also have a choice of failure modes, you can realistically accrue damage and wear over the lifespan of your aircraft (choosing when to inspect, repair or service it), set random timed failures or no failures at all).
The Dodosim 206 for fsX requires careful engine management and flight handling. It models both CECO or Bendix Fuel Control Unit systems. Improper care and operation of the various systems will cause damage.
All controls can be used in 2d cockpit, 3d virtual cockpit or a mixture of both and are mappable for custom hardware or full blown replica cockpits.
Control Systems:
Hydraulics (Control Boost):
Cyclic (stick) and collective (power) functions are fitted with a realistic hydraulic assistance, (that can be disabled or failed.)
Force trim:
Due to popular demand rather than simulation accuracy, the DodoSim 206 FSX has been fitted with a cyclic “Force Trim” system to relieve pilot workload during flight when using spring-centred PC joysticks.
Rotor brake:
Rotor can be slowed down during shut down using the standard FSX key mapping or virtual cockpit lever.
Fuel Control and Engine Management:
Engine start up and shut down procedures:
The package includes helicopters with either CECO or Bendix Fuel Control Unit systems, requiring the pilot to manage the fuelling during the start procedure differently to ensure a safe start and avoid a “hot start” or engine melt-down.
Idle-Release latch:
An idle-release latch is fitted to the simulation of the twist-grip throttle, which prevents the fuel flow from being completely stopped if the throttle is inadvertently closed.
Fuel Pumps and loss of fuel pressure:
Fuel pumps are required to be used to retain fuel pressure at high altitudes or low fuel levels to prevent an engine flame-out due to loss of fuel pressure.
Fuel Filter contamination:
The fuel filter degrades over time as fuel passes through it and is eventually bypassed, leading to higher engine exhaust gas temperatures and an increase in wear as unfiltered fuel is burnt.
Systems faults and damage are explained in the manual
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